Postgraduate Marketing Management Program Perbanas Institute
Magister Management Perbanas Institute
DOI: effectiveness in improving academic quality in universities is determined by good and practical management. Universities must have a quality management strategy to provide high-quality education. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the activities that occur at the Universitas Indonesia in improving the quality of its management that facilitates students’ both academic and non-academic activities. This research is a descriptive qualitative approach that focus to observe and analyze existing strategies at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. This research also provides the recommendations for alternative strategies to achieve a competitive advantage. This research is using data analysis from interviews and formulating business strategies through 3 steps. The result of this research is in Medicine faculty of Universitas Indonesia already has a good corporate branding as an opportunity to increase promotion; develop more aggressive advertising; adjusting the market share for growing; and become more loyal in the term of service and quality of the Medicine faculty of Universitas Indonesia.
Keywords: Medicine Strategy Management Strategy Formulation
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