SUJANA: Education and Learning Review adalah jurnal open-access yang menyediakan forum internasional untuk berbagi dan berdiskusi tentang beberapa aspek proses belajar mengajar, termasuk pengalaman, perspektif, metodologi dan pengembangan, kurikulum, inovasi, teknologi, dan sebagainya. Jurnal ini ditujukan kepada para peneliti yang tertarik untuk kajian-kajian dan makalah teoritis dalam pendidikan di tingkat manapun. SUJANA menerima artikel akademik yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia yang akan diterbitkan setiap triwulan (empat kali setahun) Januari, April, Juli, Oktober.
Vol. 3 Issue 4 (2024)
SUJANA: Education and learning review now open for publishing scientific article from researchers, lecturers, and students as the opportunity for improving academic knowledge in 2024.
The editorial team of SUJANA are giving opportunities in the developing of teaching and learning process, including experience, perspective, methodology and development, curriculum, innovation, technology, and so on with the help of external review from expertise in their field. SUJANA published four times a year as the manifestation to deliver the scientific knowledge for society.
ISSN 2964-3902(Online)
SUJANA: Education and learning review now open for publishing scientific article from researchers, lecturers, and students as the opportunity for improving academic knowledge in 2024.
The editorial team of SUJANA are giving opportunities in the developing of teaching and learning process, including experience, perspective, methodology and development, curriculum, innovation, technology, and so on with the help of external review from expertise in their field. SUJANA published four times a year as the manifestation to deliver the scientific knowledge for society.