Peer Review Process
SUJANA is strictly follows the publication process of Open Jounal System guidelines and templates that have been determined based on scientific articles guidelines. All submitted manuscript and will go through review process. After the review, the articles were read by editorial members and were corrected by Managing Editor to meet the required criteria by reviewers of SUJANA Journal. The manuscript will be sent to two filters based on their experience in reviewing the manuscript or based on their field of specialization. It will be followed by review forms from reviewer. Moreover, the required Revision was made based on reviewers’ comments or suggestions. Reviewers provide the ratings on the context of article such as clarity, originality, and science / field contributions.
Sujana has four types of decisions:
- Accepted with No revision
- Accepted and revised on a minor scale (the author will revise the article before deadline)
- Accepted and revised on a major scale (the author will revise the article before deadline)
- Rejected (generally, in the background, outside the scope and objectives, the main problems of technical description, lack of clarity)
To check plagiarism, Sujana Editorial Board will screen plagiarism using Turnitin Plagiarism checker. If there is an indicator of plagiarism are found (25%-40%), the editorial board will let the author to revise the manuscript. And if the indicator of plagiarism above 50%, Editorial Board will immediately reject it
The Submitted manuscripts will be pre-reviewed by editors, to determine whether the manuscript fulfilled SUJANA requirements or not. Manuscripts which have fulfilled the journal guidelines will be peer-reviewed. Final decision of manuscript acceptance is solely decided by editors based on the reviewers' comment.
Peer review process can be briefly summarized into several steps below:
- Manuscript Submission: The author submits the paper to the destined journal. It usually done via online system. journals may accept submissions by email in certain circumstances.
- Editorial Office Assessment: Journal Editorial checks the paper composition and arrangement related to the Author Guidelines and make sure it includes the main requirements.
- Invitation to Reviewers: Editor sends invitations to a person that would like to be appropriate reviewers. As received response, further invitations are issued.
- Reviewer Responses: if the potential reviewers consider the article against their expertise, conflicts of interest and availability. Then, they can choose to accept or decline the manuscript. If possible, during their decline, Reviewer should suggest alternative reviewers.
- Review Process: Reviewer read the paper several times. The first is used to obtain initial impression of manuscript. if there is a major problem the reviewer can directly reject the paper without further review. Then, reviewer could continue to submit the article to the journal, following by a recommendation to accept, revision required or immediately reject it.