Submission Preparation Checklist

As a part of Submission Process, authors are required to check their submission compliance within the following items below:

  • The manuscript has not been previously published before or currently submitted and being consideration in another journal publication
  • The Submission file is in Open Access, Microsoft Word or RTF Document
  • The existing bibliography are listed in the document
  • The text is written in two columns, Times New Roman 12, single spaces. and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text.
  • The manuscript adheres to the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in Author Guidelines.



            The article written is MS Word A4 (21 cm x 29, 7 cm) with Times New Roman, 1,15 cm space. 4 cm paper border for left, 3 cm border for right, top, and bottom. The beginning of paragraph starts on 1 centimeter. Every article written in Times New Roman, 12 and justify. The content written in two columns with 1 cm column distance. The content of the articles based on research result are arranged systematically as following below:

  1. Title, describe the main content of writing concisely and clearly, not more than 14 words, center, bold and capital letters (except conjunctions).
  2. Authors’ name, without a degree with the addition of footnote about the institution where the author works, must include the email adress for authors’ correspondence. The maximum number of listed authors is 5 authors.
  3. Abstract, is a short summary about the research and enabling to help readers whether they should read the full document or not. An abstract must consist of IMRAD: Introduction, Method, Result, Analysis, and Discussion. Written in English with maximum 250 words, without any number and symbol. The keywords written below abstract with bold and italic and consist of important terms, around 3-5 terms. The keyword used to help readers finding the article.
  4. Introduction, muat be consist of research problem background that supported by relevant theories and recent research, research purpose, and research method. Research problem should provide a new research value or benefit as an innovative way in contributing futher knowledge.
  5. Method and analysis, contains an explanation of research method, research design, variables, time, place, materials and tools (if any). The method must be explained well and as complite as possible, then others research can review and include it in their research ethics tes or research permit.
  6. Result, can be presented through tables, graphs, figures or any combination of them. Tables, graphs, figures should not too long, too large, nor too many. For qualitative research, the result of analysis can be presented in empirical data, such as interview transcript, document, and field-notes. Result must be explaining the meaning of research data in table form into sentence rather than in statistical number.
  7. Discussion, explain the research result including facts, theories and authors’ opinion that distinguish the diffetence between his research with another existing or similiar research according to the theory used.
  8. Conclusion, can present the statement what the research expected and porposed based on the “introduction” and what the research result in “result and discussion.” for research compability. Written in narration with pone perfect sentence (S-P-O-K) without any statistical number or data.
  9. Reference, should contain (80%) primary sources from national journal, international journal, thesis, dissertation, conference proceedings national and international. Other sources (20%) can be books or other reference sources. Every article should have at least 10 (ten) references and references and only references used as citations may be listed in Bibliography. The written format used Vancouver Referencing style
  10. Another requirement, the submitted article will be reviewed by reputable reviewer and content checking, conformity of the articles based on scientific research principles, and writing guidelines by the editorial team. Authors will be given the opportunity to revise the article based on suggestion and feedback from reviewers and editorial team.